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Your One Word by Evan Carmichael

“Telling your story helps people connect to you, and the instant they connect with you personally, they’re much more likely to take action.
Because now they care.

This is one of the biggest mistakes many entrepreneurs make.

They hide behind their website and marketing materials. They don’t want to make it all about themselves. They don’t have huge egos. They want to make the products and services shine, not themselves.

Big. Mistake.

Telling your story isn’t about boosting your ego.

Your story adds value and context for your customers.”

I heard of Evan via his 10 Rules From YouTube video series, and pre-ordered his book based on a great offer he made for early adopters. I almost didn’t finish reading the book, as it starts off with a lot of you-can-do-it, take-the-leap entrepreneurship talk. But I skimmed past that and got to the meat of the book. It was a quick and easy read that pushed one idea: Whittle everything you do down to one idea; even better to one singular word.

Evan explains why the ideas and that one word matters, and how to infuse that feeling being that word into everything you do — products, your team, social media, and the rest.

You Should Read Your One Word If: You’re a beginning entrepreneur trying to carve out your niche, or a seasoned entrepreneur/brand who has confused even yourself as to what you stand for.

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