Work On Your Game Content/business and money/Your Clone vs. You 🤖🦾
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Your Clone vs. You 🤖🦾

[Thanks to Andrew Tate for planting the seed for this idea.]

Imagine you had a clone that did anything you told it to do.

No complaints. Just compliance.

So, everything you know you need to do but don't want to do, your clone will do.

The hour-per-day in the gym? No problem.

Those 7 extra leads and prospecting calls? Done.

The marketing campaign your business has needed for 3 years? Finished yesterday.

Now, ten years have gone by.

You are doing all the stuff you do.

Your clone is doing all the stuff you should do but don't want to.

In ten years, where will you be – and where will your clone be?

Let me guess: Your clone would be doing better, personally and professionally, than you’re doing.

That’s not the punchline though.

The question is, WHY?

Everything your clone is doing is on YOUR call. You already KNOW it needs doing.

Your clone’s intelligence = Your intelligence.

So it’s not a smartness thing.

The difference between your clone and you is Discipline. Follow-through. Mental toughness.

What stops you from having this is what Steven Pressfield (in his book, “The War Of Art”) calls “The Resistance.”

The Resistance are the (sub)conscious thoughts that stop you from doing the stuff you know you need to do, even WANT to do… but allow yourself excuses to NOT do.

The Resistance is the bridge between the You who exists to today and the You who should exist tomorrow.

You are not lacking in knowledge – and even if you are, that’s easy to fix. Knowledge is damn near free these days.

You are lacking in TOOLS to overcome RESISTANCE.

Here’s the mistake people make at this point.

“Oh! If I just get motivated to get past The Resistance, I'm good!”


If this were the case, you would've done that 37 motivational messages ago. This isn't the first one you’ve heard.

What you’re missing in the MINDSET to overcome The Resistance.

Mindset is NOT motivation.

Motivation is for kids and pep rallies.

I’m about performance and results.

That’s why the first tool in Work On Your Game University is the Bulletproof Mindset.

It’s why we also have a program in the University called 30 Days To Discipline.

It’s why the theme of next month’s Bulletproof Bulletin (monthly magazine we send to members) is “Clarity.” It’s easier to solve problems when you’re clear on what they are and which knowledge you need to utilize for handling them.

Can you out-perform your clone?

With my help, you can – and you WILL.

Join Work On Your Game University now and let’s go to work on getting clarity on what needs to be done, when, where and why – then strategically and systematically go to work on it.

Your clone is working right now.

Start here:

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