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You're Leading When You Have Something They Want

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader. - John Quincy Adams

I read a story about how, as an NBA youngster, Kobe Bryant wanted so badly to be a leader on the LA Lakers. But nobody wanted to follow him. Later in his career, post-Shaq and with a few more NBA championships to his name, Kobe did command the respect he'd always wanted.

Leadership happens when people see something in you that they want. We instinctively follow people who have something that we want. That something may be physical appearance, a style of dress, a way of carrying oneself, or a certain skill. Look at the most-followed people on social media: Each has something that their followers want.

Kobe became a leader because he

Was widely respected for his achievements
Had won championships as The Man on his team, paving he was more than just a #2 guy
Proved he could kick any NBA player's ass on any given night on the court
Had fought back from adversity (the Shaq drama, rape charges, losing seasons) to meet victory

There were a lot of NBA players and fans who wanted the same things. So they followed Kobe.

If you want to lead people, you must display something that people want. Otherwise they don't need you and would not be missing anything without you. My People Skills Course is the best way you can begin on this path.

[shareable width="@DreAllDay"]If you want to lead people, you must display something that people want[/shareable]

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