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You Have To Read To Sign Contracts

I have sent out a few emails to basketball players who want to start professional careers discussing certain topics -- agents, exposure camps, having video, gathering information etc. I'm baffled by how many recipients don't even read them, but reply to the messages asking me questions that were addressed in the very message that I wrote.

For example, I sent out one message titled, "Send me the information to play overseas!" The title was tongue-in-cheek; a way of telling people to stop asking me that, detailing why, and what people with this request really need to be doing. You wouldn't believe how many replies I got from people saying, "Yes -- please send me the information, I really want to play!"

I sent another titled, "Do you really need a basketball agent?" I got a bunch of replies saying, "Yes, I need an agent, can you send me some information please?!" The entire point of the message was that you may not need one, and how you can start your career without one. The people who replied obviously didn't read anything other than the title.

Business on the professional level, no matter what line of work you're in, usually requires some form of contractual agreement to be made. You  should read before you sign. If you don't read simple emails, where will you find the discipline to read a contract (even if you do have an agent -- they have contracts too)?

Professional basketball is not your local LA Fitness. It's not just show-up-and-play. It's a business. Without the basic common sense to read information from someone trying to inform you, what do you think will happen when you're entering an agreement with an organization that will do what's necessary to protect their bottom line (hidden fines, BS reasons to withhold money from you)?

Professional sports teams have an objective: Get as much as they can out of you for as little as possible. It's true. They won't pay $2 for what they can get for $1.

So: read information that's given to you. Even the small stuff like an email or blog post. The big stuff, once the ink dries, doesn't have do-overs.

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