Work On Your Game Content/business and money/You Can't Afford A Bad Day 🚫😢
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You Can't Afford A Bad Day 🚫😢

You didn't get much sleep last night.

Your back hurts.

Clients are a pain in the ass right now.

If you had a choice, you’d go back to bed and sleep another 3 hours right now.

Tough shit.

You're the head person on your team (in family or work or sports). You can't afford a bad day.

Everyone on the team is following your lead.

When they slack off, you have to do their jobs for them.

When you slack off, they do nothing.

That’s the deal. And it’s 100% fair.

Because you're the head person. The leader. The boss.

Your energy is the group's energy.

The expectations on you are not the same as the expectations on them.

They can have average days. You can’t – or the whole thing collapses.

Yes, delegate. Put others on jobs and remove yourself. All of that efficiency stuff.

But, if / when anything / anyone fails, be ready to fix it. Because otherwise, it ain't getting fixed.

On any team, there are Good Players and there are Difference Makers.

Your team? If you hired well, they’re Good Players.

Good Players come in, do their personal job, and leave.

You? You’re a Difference Maker.

Difference Makers, they come in, do their job, make sure every other job is done (and if not, do it), and they leave only when everything is complete.

This is the penalty of leadership for true leaders. This is the price you pay.

Every organization must have a boss.

Even if you’re one person alone, you must be the boss of yourself.

Taking ownership of the whole picture, not just “your job.”

Bad days are part of your past. You don't have those anymore.

You can’t.


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