There is only so far you'll go in this life following other people's thinking, decisions and ideas. At some point -- now or later or much later -- you will have to decide what your path is going to be and take the first, bold step towards it. Things will never be the same once you make that decision and act on it.
There is something out there in the world with your name on it. That is where you belong, what you should be doing. And since there is no other you out there in this world present past or future, when you assume this role and meet this thing halfway, no one can ever duplicate it. You will be the only one to do it the way you do/did it. And no one can take that away from you.
But you may be taking it away from yourself right now, by denying what you know to be true.
It's not about making some reckless move that leaves you open to some form of disaster -- that's not only unrealistic but foolish. Start on the side. Keep it quiet, if you wish. No one has to know about it until you're ready for them to know. But you know you need to be doing it, and you know you need to start. Now.
It's calling you.