Work On Your Game Content/Business and Entrepreneurship/When You’re Your Own Boss — You Must BE A Boss...
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When You’re Your Own Boss — You Must BE A Boss...

One rumored benefit of entrepreneurship is that you no longer have a boss. 

This is false. 

When you become an entrepreneur, YOU’RE the boss. 

And, to paraphrase the saying, everyone wants to be a boss until it’s time to do what a boss does. 

Bosses hire and fire people — including themselves — when it’s in the best interests of the business. 

Bosses put their foot in the asses of the staff when things need to get done, or need to be done better / faster. 

Bosses don’t accept excuses from anyone, starting with themselves. 

There are only so many times you can show up late (or not show at all) before the boss tells you that your services are no longer needed.

Everyone at work knows they can’t bullshit around the office when the boss is in. 

The boss can’t afford a day off — because if the boss is not at work, no one else will work as hard (or at all). 

[Are there exceptions to this? Of course. But don’t argue the letter of what I said in lieu of understanding the spirit of it.]

Entrepreneurship is not easier than having a job. 

Employees are paid to check in, perform tasks, and check out. 

The boss, the owner, might not be paid at all. The employees eat first. 

And if there’s nothing left over? 

Well, you’re the boss — figure it out. 

Is the boss role for you? Why or why not? Reply and let me know — I read all responses. 

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