Work On Your Game Content/mental toughness/What You Wanted — But Not How You Wanted It
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What You Wanted — But Not How You Wanted It

The saying goes, be careful what you ask for — you just might get it.
Most of the time, you do get it, albeit with an asterisk (*).
The thing that you’re asking for may be right there in your hands right now. The exact situation that you’re in today may very well be the thing you asked for.
Thing is, the thing that you’ve asked for (the WHAT) is not in the form that you expected it to be in (the HOW).
It’s packaged up as a challenge you must meet. A test you must pass. A game you have to win. A problem that only you can solve. Do that, and the thing you wanted — the WHAT — is all yours.

"Thing is, the thing that you’ve asked for (the WHAT) is not in the form that you expected it to be in (the HOW). It’s packaged up as a challenge you must meet."
The Universe is saying, You didn’t say anything about HOW you wanted it when you asked for it— so here it is, in this form that we arbitrarily chose for you. Take it or leave it.

Most people “leave it.” Because…
It’s not set up the way they wanted it; the extra work feels like a bait-and-switch has been pulled on them. Fool me once…
They’re unaware of what I’m telling you now. They don’t even see the WHAT within the challenge of the HOW. The opportunity and gift completely misses their attention. They never get WHAT they asked for, and sadly decide that prayer and effort and goal-setting obviously doesn’t work.
We never come to know who these people are. They become statistics.
There are a select few, though, who have the insight to see the WHAT wrapped up within the HOW.
You know these people; they’re the ones who attract crowds who come to hear their stories even though they already know the story. Just being in the room with them is worth the investment, because we unconsciously want some of their energy to rub off on us, so maybe we can see the WHATs of our own lives wrapped up in the HOWs and one day tell our own stories.

Everything is a choice.
#1142: How To Become A Champion

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