Work On Your Game Content/Discipline/What To Do When Success Is Late To The Party
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What To Do When Success Is Late To The Party

Things don't always happen when we want them to. At least not the good things.
But you're disciplined enough to know this. You keep grinding away. But each day wears on you. And we all have a breaking point.
The worst is when other people, doing the same thing as you, are getting much better results.
In an objective apples-to-apples comparison, you're losing. Far behind in the race. According to some observers, you should just quit running altogether.
What do you do in this position?
Quit? Make excuses to appease spectators? Claim you were never racing in the first place?


Success is a diva. It shows up late, commands respect and demands your constant attention. Or else.
"Success is a diva. It shows up late, commands respect and demands your constant attention. Or else."
Success is sometimes slow to arrive at the party. It wants to be fashionable, and has to make an entrance when everyone is watching. Plus, being the diva success is known to be, it wants to see who else is there first.
So don't stop the music when everyone is there on time. Discipline, Character, Confidence, Faith, and Hard Work never miss a chance to attend a gathering. They're great friends to have. Their punctuality is one of the reasons.
Success has its own time clock.
"big" animation="none" background="plain"]You need the Bulletproof Mindset to be ready and patient with success.

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