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What Motivation Is (And Is Not)

Motivational: relating to the reason or reasons for acting or behaving in a particular way.

Some dummy replied to one of my #DailyMotivation texts (which I send for free every morning - just text me at 305.384.6894) and challenged whether my message was actually motivational.

This person asserted that the message was not very “uplifting or inspiring,” therefore, not motivational.

The dictionary disagrees.

As a kid, were you ever motivated to clean up your room or to wash the dishes because your parents threaten to take your phone away (or whoop your ass) as punishment?

Have you ever been motivated to get to work early because the boss threatened to fire you if you were late just ONE more time?

Ever scrambled to rustle up some extra dollars to pay a bill at the last minute before (or after) a service interruption?

All of these situations, not necessarily “uplifting”, were motivations.

Motivation can be a pat on the back OR a kick in the ass. Either can move you to action.

There may be one which you prefer, but they both work.

I’m from the sports world. We get “negative” motivation all the time from coaches and trainers (and have 5-letter words for players who can’t take it).

It’s neither bad nor good. It just is. And it works.

Our world, and some people in it, have grown so soft that anything that isn’t “positive” is labeled as bad.

(For example, if you took offense to my tongue-in-cheek use of the word “dummy” at the beginning of this post.)


A slap in the face is usually exactly what you need.

It’s your ACTIONS — not anyone’s words — that uplift and inspire.

Whatever gets you there, use it.

The best help for this: The Bulletproof Mindset, which morphs you into a person who’s always primed for action as part of who you ARE – not what you DO.

Get access to Bulletproof Mindset 2.0 as a member of Work On Your Game University here:

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