I started creating so much content because I was simply answering the questions people would ask, or the questions they didn’t even know they had based on their challenges. I think I’ve covered damn near everything by now. Now, when someone emails or DMs me asking if they can ask a question (or they just come out with it), I either
Don’t reply, or
Tell them that if they have a question that hasn’t been covered already, I’ll be happy to address it.
B has worked well.
Sometimes I get a semi-question that’s formatted thusly: What are your thoughts on ________?
When someone’s asking this, they haven’t thought about it yet themselves. I may have no thoughts at all on the topic; I may have never even considered it— and I don’t need to, since I’m not the one asking the question. But if you’re asking, you should have some thoughts.
If not, well, there’s your answer.