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Trust The Process

This is not business advice, or a motivational post about being an entrepreneur. Because not everyone is built for that life.

Stubbornness is a flaw of my character.

I don't know when to quit.

I have a long memory for some things that a healthy person would forget.

I will prove myself right, even if it takes ten years for things to play out.

We all have character flaws; the power is in knowing exactly what those flaws are and learning how to leverage them.

[dt_quote type="blockquote" font_size="h4" animation="none" background="plain"]Ask Yourself A Better Question: Change Your Questions, Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life[/dt_quote]

I know what works for me for 3 reasons:

I go through experiences - which only happen because I take initiative to make sh*t happen - that show me more about myself.
Whether I'm happy, angry, or anywhere in between, I ask myself why I'm feeling how I feel and what led to it. So I know what thoughts, words, situations create what.
I've learned to control and direct my mindset towards the ends I want, even when I seem to be heading in the opposite direction.

THIS is the key point -- when people see their circumstances going the wrong way, they tend to panic, think negative thoughts, and get carried downstream where they don't want to go. At that point, it's pretty much over for them.

Unable to grab control of their minds due to the idea that their positive thinking "didn't work," they become lifelong victims, forever unable to use their own power.

We all have power when we decide - yes, DECIDE - to use it. Thing is, the power is often in the very thing we think is in our way.

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