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Think Big And Kick Ass By Donald Trump (@realDonaldTrump) and Bill Zane (@zankerbill) [Book Review]

“If you chose the lowest amount, why did you do that? You have a choice of getting any amount from $100,000 to $5 million in the next five years. It is completely up to you. Nobody is telling you what to choose. So why would anyone choose $100,000? Yet in life that is exactly what many people do.

Every great athlete and every great billionaire goes for the gold, not the bronze. If it were me answering this question, I would scratch out $5 million and write in $50 billion! That is the attitude you must have to make it big.”

The author being the author, many people don’t want to hear shit about this book. But let’s look at the reality that Trump won the dam Presidency with zero political experience. If that’s not big thinking — the very idea of even trying, that is — then I don’t know what’s bigger.

Trump and his co-author Bill Zanker shares a lot of practical advice is Trump’s signature matter-of-fact (and sometimes biting) way. He stresses the importance of marital prenuptial agreements (a whole chapter on it, in fact), explains the what-why-how behind the “think big” Mindset (in my opinion, what makes the book worth its price + more), and, as his M.O., manages to get in a few digs at his enemies and some others innocent people (which, to me, is funny).

One thing I like about Donald Trump the author is that he doesn’t try to wow you with his eloquence. He makes his points with the most plain language available, and, if the reader can look past his opinions of Trump, this book has valuable Mental Game tools any ambitious person can use.

You Should Read Think Big And Kick Ass IF: You’re ambitious and need to advance your life at a faster pace if you’re to reach all your goals in life.

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