Work On Your Game Content/Discipline/They're Supposed to Be Uncomfortable
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They're Supposed to Be Uncomfortable

I don't want to score so much because my teammates will think I'm a ball hog.
I don't want to score so much because my teammates will think I'm a ball hog
If I achieve all these goals, I may lose connection with my friends.
I get too concerned with other people's feelings and don't say what needs to be said.
Have any any of these thoughts ever gotten in your way?
Good. This post will alleviate you of them, forever - IF you take my words to heart.
When you are at a higher level than other people and it's clear that you are, those other people have a choice.
Accept your position and be happy for you, or indifferent to comparisons.
Know you're ahead and step up their own work to close the gap.
Cultivate negative energy - about themselves and/or about you - to feel better or worse about the situation.
When your brilliance makes other people hate or go into self-pity, it is not your or problem.
[shareable cite = @dreallday]When your brilliance makes other people hate or go into self-pity, it is not your or problem. [/shareable]
Your first responsibility in life is to take care of yourself. Then, you handle kids and family and friends and whomever else. You know the airplane oxygen mask analogy. If you can't breathe, who are you going to help?
[shareable cite = @dreallday]Your first responsibility in life is to take care of yourself. [/shareable]
That is said to say this: You priority in life is to put yourself in the best possible position. Shine and glow and do your best. Your friends and enemies and some onlookers may notice. They'll stop and watch. They'll point and talk and snapchat about you.
They may be uncomfortable with what you're doing. To them, you're an attention whore. You think you're better than everyone else. You're forgetting where you came from. You're hogging the spotlight.
Notice anything these judgements all have in common?
They're negative sh*t insecure people say with hopes of bringing you back to their level.
They have nothing to do with what they person saying them is doing. Meaning, even if 100% true, they're not stopping her from doing her thing.
Most people live their entire lives never testing their limits. Most people have limiting beliefs about who and what they can be and never realize they're living in a self-made box. Thus, this limited life is their reality - the only thing they know.
[bctt tweet="Most people live their entire lives never testing their limits." username="DreAllDay"]
When these self-limited people see you, doing what they never even considered possible, they are shaken to the core. And being shaken to the core is uncomfortable.
What did you do to cause it? Nothing but what you're supposed to do: reaching your potential. If that person has been living a limited existence, you're not to blame. If anything, they should be thanking you for the wake-up call.
They're supposed to be uncomfortable. Unless they're going to do something to change it, they should get comfortable feeling that way.
[dt_quote type="blockquote" font_size="big" animation="none" background="plain"]Take yourself to an even higher level by Asking Yourself A Better Question.[/dt_quote]
If I achieve all these goals, I may lose connection with my friends.
I get too concerned with other people's feelings and don't say what needs to be said.
Have any any of these thoughts ever gotten in your way?
Good. This post will alleviate you of them, forever - IF you take my words to heart.
When you are at a higher level than other people and it's clear that you are, those other people have a choice.
Accept your position and be happy for you, or indifferent to comparisons.
Know you're ahead and step up their own work to close the gap.
Cultivate negative energy - about themselves and/or about you - to feel better or worse about the situation.
When your brilliance makes other people hate or go into self-pity, it is not your or problem.
[shareable cite = @dreallday]When your brilliance makes other people hate or go into self-pity, it is not your or problem. [/shareable]
Your first responsibility in life is to take care of yourself. Then, you handle kids and family and friends and whomever else. You know the airplane oxygen mask analogy. If you can't breathe, who are you going to help?
[shareable cite = @dreallday]Your first responsibility in life is to take care of yourself. [/shareable]
That is said to say this: You priority in life is to put yourself in the best possible position. Shine and glow and do your best. Your friends and enemies and some onlookers may notice. They'll stop and watch. They'll point and talk and snapchat about you
They may be uncomfortable with what you're doing. To them, you're an attention whore. You think you're better than everyone else. You're forgetting where you came from. You're hogging the spotlight.
Notice anything these judgements all have in common?
They're negative sh*t insecure people say with hopes of bringing you back to their level.
They have nothing to do with what they person saying them is doing. Meaning, even if 100% true, they're not stopping her from doing her thing.
Most people live their entire lives never testing their limits. Most people have limiting beliefs about who and what they can be and never realize they're living in a self-made box. Thus, this limited life is their reality - the only thing they know.
[bctt tweet="Most people live their entire lives never testing their limits." username="DreAllDay"]
When these self-limited people see you, doing what they never even considered possible, they are shaken to the core. And being shaken to the core is uncomfortable.
What did you do to cause it? Nothing but what you're supposed to do: reaching your potential. If that person has been living a limited existence, you're not to blame. If anything, they should be thanking you for the wake-up call.
They're supposed to be uncomfortable. Unless they're going to do something to change it, they should get comfortable feeling that way.
[dt_quote type="blockquote" font_size="big" animation="none" background="plain"]Take yourself to an even higher level by Asking Yourself A Better Question.[/dt_quote]

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