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They Make You Strip To Your Underwear...

Runway modeling (pre-body-positivity movement) is not like Instagram modeling.

On Instagram, you can get by just being pretty or having some specific physical feature. Runway modeling is more detailed, and the industry is more discerning.

I have some experience in the modeling and TV worlds. I’ve done casting calls, photo and video shoots.

I hated it.

Oh, the finished-photos-and-videos part is great. But the rest of it — which is 95% of the job, by the way — sucks.

Here are the parts that you don’t see (the stuff that I hated):

- It’s a LOT of standing around, doing nothing while lights and cameras and sets get adjusted.
- You only have the other models / actors to talk to. Generally, they’re not very intelligent.
- Too many gay guys.
- You have no input on what happens or how it happens. You’re like a prop to the directors.
- An 8-hour shoot to get 5 great photos (or 5 minutes of great video) isn’t worth it for me.

(The girl models were a good part.)

Have you ever been to a casting call for an agency? If not, here’s what happens.

Male or female - you strip down to your underwear, in front of everyone who’s there (they’re all stripping too).

Then the decision makers examine your body, from head to toe, and point out EVERY flaw on you.

Every extra pound.
Every skin blemish.
Every asymmetrical aspect of your face.
Everywhere you’re not skinny enough.
Not muscular enough.
If you’re pretty enough.
How you measure up to the other men / women in the room.

Then, they tell you whether you can POSSIBLY make it as a model or not.

And then they thank you for coming.

You take whatever is left of your ego and confidence and go home.

The models who “make it” take all that to heart and come back.

What’s that got to do with your business?

Fashion models have to take direct, to-your-face feedback on what they’re missing, what they need to change, and what to fix, every day.

They earn (and keep) their spots because they have to live up to a standard. The people who give them feedback don’t give a damn about the model’s feelings.

Do you want to walk around delusional about what’s real? Telling yourself that everything is OK when it’s not?

Or, do you want to be told the truth as clearly and directly as possible (without stripping to your underwear)?

If the former, keep living how you and most people live: Average.
If the latter, schedule a call here:

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