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The Truth About Your Bullshit

In my line of work, I’m usually talking to people who have resolved to no longer do things on their own. I’m hired help.


Sometimes when it comes to actually getting started and taking action, some people's subconscious programming starts to overpower their logical thinking.

What if it doesn't work?
What if I fail?
What if I don’t follow through?
Am I really ready for this upgrade / advancement / change?

An hour of conversation Vs. 20 years of subconscious programming. It’s an uphill battle for them (and me).

This is the reason why most people don’t change.

From there, the rationalizations begin.

Rationalize: the action of attempting to explain or justify behavior or an attitude with logical reasons, even if these are not appropriate.

Here at Work On Your Game, we call them “rational-lies.”

This is the service prospect (the person who’s hiring, say, a personal trainer, coach or accountant) who rational-lies that they’ll just continue to work on things on their own instead of acquiring help.

Doing things on your own — unsuccessfully — is what led you to looking for help in the first place. Isn’t it?

I posted a Reel to Instagram (my son helped me) explaining how our excuses are actually our reasons. The excuse you have to not do something is actually the very reason why you need to do it.

“It’s not that bad…”
“I don’t have a choice…”
“It’s too late / early to change…”
“I’ll do it later / after XXX / when ZZZ…”

Think about how many times you’ve said, thought, or explained these rational-lies to yourself or others.

That’s not a rhetorical statement.

Count them.


OK, now that I’ve told you enough to make you feel like shit, let me tell you something that will make you feel good: You have company. Lots of it.

Most human beings tell themselves these same rational-lies all of their lives.

👆 That's the good news.

👇 Here’s the bad news.

Most human beings never wake up out of their sleepwalking state. They never realize they’re lying to themselves.

They die while telling themselves the same story that they told themselves while they were alive. The same story that you tell yourself all the time.

It’s tragic. But common.

There are a few exceptions, however.

The people who identify their rational-lies and start telling themselves the truth.

They wake up, get active, and actually start doing the things they tell themselves they’re going to do.

The uncomfortable stuff.
The stuff that stretches you.
The stuff that you have been needing to do, but have continually given yourself excuses to not do.

(Here’s a hint: This “stuff” is not anything that’s convenient for you.)

Doing more of what you’re already doing (ie, “I’ll just work harder on my own”) is convenient. The growth you want will not be that easy.

These people, who identify and reject their rational-lies, are the ones who are growing and advancing. Everyone else watches them.

Which one are you?

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