Work On Your Game Content/business and money/The Skyrocketing Cost of Laziness 🥱
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The Skyrocketing Cost of Laziness 🥱

I just came from a Nordstrom Rack store in Miami.

In a long checkout line (which moved fast), I noticed that 2 of the 4 register clerks were MEN — dressed and apparently living as WOMEN.

Between the French-tipped nails, hair wigs, breasts (don't ask me how) and feminine mannerisms, these were indeed women. It was the Adam's apples, masculine facial features, beard stubble and deep voices (masquerading as high-pitched) that gave them away.

These staff members were not bad people. One of them processed my checkout and did a fine job, as a matter of fact.

I left the store wondering, what if my son had been with me?

He’s not yet old enough to notice or have been confused by what he had seen. But when he is, he’d have questions.

“Was that a man or a woman?”

“Why was he dressed like, talking like and acting like a woman, then?“

“Why do people do that, daddy?”

I would've had to explain this to him.

(And, NO – these individuals are NOT women. They're men.)

Such people used to hide in the shadows of society, shunned from mainstream life. Now they are flamboyantly active and proud of it. This isn't a crime, but it leaves people like me – parents – in the unenviable position of explaining it to children.

I couldn't and wouldn't leave such a job to the school system. Some purple-haired they/them nonbinary teacher might be the very person causing (and furthering) the confusion.

By the same token, I can’t leave it to doctors to share sound medical advice. They're compromised by the pharmaceutical companies that get paid off of the prescriptions they write.

I can't trust journalists to tell me the truth of the news; they each have a dog in every race.

In the big picture, we – none of us – can afford to be mentally lazy anymore.

We have to look, closely, at what the schools are teaching our kids.

At what the news presents as the “facts.”

At what medicine says is for “the greater good.”

At how the politicians’ policies are “helping” us.

We used to be able to trust (some of) these institutions (sometimes) and put our brains on autopilot when it came to certain topics.

That’s over.

The Law Of Entropy – any entity left to its own devices always moves to higher levels of disorder – has always existed.

What’s changed: The guardrails have come down.

Entropy was the exception. Now it's the rule.

A man couldn't walk around declaring himself a woman and demand acceptance.

Now it’s not only accepted, but celebrated.

A doctor couldn't stick a needle in you under the guise of “immunity” to a virus, then watch you attain said virus anyway, then change the story of what the medicine was promised to do, and have you happily ACCEPT the new story.

That happens now.

You couldn't walk into a retail store, blatantly steal things, and casually walk out, ALL ON CAMERA, and have nothing happen to you.

Now, there’s more energy put into defending the criminals than in protecting the victims.

There used to be people we could trust to tell us the TRUTH -- not just the handpicked FACTS. There’s a difference.

Now, you're on your own.

Laziness will cost you.

Your vaccine to victimization is working directly with me in Work On Your Game University so you can fully equip yourself mentally, strategically and systematically for business and life.

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