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THE Secret to Avoid Being Forgotten

Last week I was walking my son through the park in Miami. A city worker who’d seen me the day before taking the same walk, called out to me.

“You a lawyer, aren’t you?”

She noted how I dressed, and insisted that I did some kind of “office job.”

Close enough. I told that while I wasn’t a lawyer, I was in business.

She’s the third person to make the “lawyer” guess.

I’m in Vegas at a marketing conference this week. Yesterday, while waiting to check in with my suitcase and shoulder bag in tow, two people who I’ve never met asked me if I was there for the same event (there are 5-10,000 people here) — then asked me if I was one of the event speakers (I’m not).

A few weeks ago, I was standing outside my building when I met a woman who has an active dog walking business in the neighborhood. As such, she’s in and out of my building a lot.

We conversed and she joked, “why do I feel like you’re ‘The Boss’ of this place?”


Over the years, I’ve done the work to cultivate what the above stories illustrate as “a presence.”

It’s not anything that I said or specifically did. It’s a way of being.

How you carry yourself.

All these create an image in the minds of the people who observe you. And that image plays a role in how they deal with you.

You know how they say “your reputation precedes you”? Well, your reputation begins as soon as someone sees you.

As soon as you walk into the room.
The first time they see your website.
When your face pops up on the Zoom screen.

What reputation are you cultivating?

The energy you show up with affects your business, your relationships, and the view you have of yourself. No part of your life is divorced from it.

That’s why I’m always telling you about my Bulletproof Mindset 2.0 course: It’s about creating this personal presence on purpose from the inside-out. But I address mindset even more throughout Work On Your Game University.

In Business Builder, I cover Money Mindsets, both the poor ones (that chase money away) and the healthy ones (that attract and increase your money).

ASAP Confidence is a 30-sprint through building confidence and self-esteem.

Sell Yourself and Raise Your Value help you increase the value of you, of what you offer, and how much you can command in the open market.

Get all of these courses, and 30+ more, as a member of Work On Your Game University and start accessing everything i mentioned above IMMEDIATELY here:

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