Athleticism was my pro-level basketball skill.
In my prime years, I’m what observers would call an “athletic” basketball player. I could run fast and jump high.
I came up with drills and systems to get good at dribbling and shooting.
My physical tools, along with being in great cardiovascular shape, made me a strong defender.
I had a “total package” skill set as a basketball player.
I’m not saying this to impress you (well, maybe a little bit). Because I’m not the only one who could have said at least some of these things.
There were other players in my era who could dunk, dribble, shoot and score, too. Some of those players could do those things even better than I did them.
Hell, there are some current players who have these attributes in higher abundance than I had them.
My skill set put me in that 1% that goes pro — but millions of people play basketball. There were a LOT of players packed into that 1%.
Of all those “other” 1% players I’m referring to, none of them ever played pro basketball.
Did they mess up off the court? Nope.
Got injured? Nah.
Gave up on basketball too soon? Not that either.
Had bad people around them?
They didn’t make it because they couldn’t (or can’t) sell themselves.
For these players, playing the game wasn’t the problem and never will be.
But no one will ever know, because no one sees them. They’re unknown entities in the basketball world.
Great at the work. Bad at selling the work.
They can DO the thing, but they can’t SELL their ability to do the thing.
That combination leads to wasted talent.
I played professional basketball because I know how to sell myself.
It’s the same skill I use to get interviewed on people’s podcasts or to get people to follow me on social media.
Creative people — artists, authors, content creators — are often really good at making stuff.
Doing the thing.
And many of them suck at selling stuff.
Selling the thing.
I’ve seen creatives who are afraid to ask for sales.
Then there are those who will ask for the sale, but undercharge for their stuff.
And those who create, create, create — and never realize that, to earn revenue, someone has to buy their stuff.
Understand something: creating stuff, executing and delivering your work, is all one skill set.
Selling what you do is a whole other skill, with a whole art and science behind it.
Which means this: if you’re not putting time and money into learning the selling side of what you do, you’re costing yourself money every day.
If the hierarchy of every industry was ordered based on the skill of each participant, a lot of things would be different.
There are photo apps with simpler functionality and more features than Instagram.
Failed politicians who have more favorable policies than the governors and presidents who actually win elections.
Smartphones that are better, cheaper and less privacy-invasive than the iPhone.
But we don’t know much about any of these.
Not because they’re not good — because they can’t sell better than the entity who won.
If you want to get “in the game,” you need to do more than merely be good: you need to be better than your competition — and you need to make sure everyone knows about it.
THAT’S sales.
I created the Business Bundle, a 3-book bundle on selling, rapport building and communication that will make what I shared here real for you.
Get the Business Bundle here:
Get The Business Bundle Here