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The Most Valuable Real Estate In Your Town...

It’s Not some gated-community McMansion in an exclusive zip code.

It’s not a sprawling multifamily apartment complex.

It's the graveyard. The cemetery is the most valuable real estate in your town. It will be the most valuable resource in any town you ever move to, visit or live in.

Here are three reasons why.

1) Most people die with their potential still in them.

Everyone has talents, gifts, abilities, and potential to be great. The challenge is, we never see any of this from most people. Not because they don't have it, simply because they never activate themselves to use it.

2) Why does this happen??? Because many people live by “maybes” instead of living by absolutes.

“Maybe I could… Perhaps I should… I have the potential to…” These wishy-washy statements are non-committal. Because people are not fully committed to their outcomes, their outcomes never commit to them. This lack of commitment means that most people can never sum up the necessary energy and conviction to actually get worthwhile things done. They are only halfway in.

3) Here's the fix: Commit to commitment.

Start living by absolutes. Tell yourself what you are going to do, and give yourself no excuses for not doing it. Even if you don't have the tangible resources, connections, or ability to do the thing yet, commit to it anyway, and figure it out as you go. Your commitment sets in motion a chain reaction of events that will conspire to help you achieve your outcome – even though you have no idea how this will happen when you first begin. But, you must commit first to set this process in motion.

Commitment → Responsibility → Power → Impact.

We will all go to the grave one day. My only hope is that you go there with all of the juice squeezed out of you and shared with the world – not taken to the graveyard with you.

If you're ready to get the value out of you, and stop giving yourself halfway commitments, join Work On Your Game University:

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