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The Mamba Mentality by Kobe Bryant (@kobebryant)

“My routine was grueling. It involved early mornings and late nights. It involved stretching, lifting, training, hooping, recovery, and film study. It involved putting in a lot of work and hours. It’s—no lie—tiring. For that reason, a lot of players pare down their lifting and training during the season. They try conserving their energy. Not me, though. I found that, yes, this work might be strenuous on the day-to-day, but it left me stronger and more prepared during the dog days of the season and the playoffs.”

When I heard that Kobe Bryant was releasing a book on his basketball mentality, I was excited to read it: Kobe’s mindset and training techniques, or at least what we know of them, have become legend and further grown his status as a basketball ideal to aspire to. Athletes who don’t even play basketball want Kobe’s mindset. Though I’m no Mamba-in-training. I am a fan of Kobe the basketball player and did want to learn about his approach to the game.

The Mamba Mentality was less than I thought it would be. I thought the book would be Kobe’s memoir, a fully-written story of how he became this basketball legend. I was expecting to read the details of his workouts from his rookie year (and maybe before that), adjusting to NBA life, the feud with Shaq, becoming his team’s undisputed leader in winning his last two championships, and the what/why/how behind all that.

What the reader gets instead is a surface-glossing photo essay of Kobe’s light explanations from his basketball existence.

I’m an avid reader who gets value from any book, even bad ones. It’s not that The Mamba Mentality is a bad book; it’s that the reader’s expectations are much higher than what this book delivers. I think many readers/fans who read this book will say the same. Perhaps Kobe and his publishing team should’ve promoted this as the photo book that it is to temper expectations — but if that had, I would not have bought it.

Business is business.

You Should Read The Mamba Mentality IF: You’re a big Kobe Bryant or basketball fan. You want to hear some high-level, motivational ideas from a basketball great about how he did it. Don’t expect much more.

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