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Busy is when you’re active, doing stuff, and moving around.

You have a long to-do list, and you’re getting to it.

Problem: You can be busy at a lot of stuff β€” with none of it being useful.
Even ants are busy.

Productive is the next level.

You’re actually finishing things, getting them DONE, and seeing results from it.

Challenge is, you can be productive at things that don’t matter much.

I was a burger-flipper at McDonald’s in high school. I was productive. I got paid $5.15 / hour for my production.

WHAT you produce, and WHY, are the context that take you from productive to…

The highest level: EFFECTIVE.

That’s when you’re producing results at things that matter. Things that move the needle. You’re producing the measurable outcomes that you WANT.

Most of us are busy.

Many chase production.

Few are effective.

What effective outcomes did you produce yesterday?

What effective work is on your schedule today? How will you know it’s effective?

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