Work On Your Game Content/business and money/The Lucky ๐Ÿ€ Vs. The 2% Vs. The 98% ๐Ÿ’ฏ
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The Lucky ๐Ÿ€ Vs. The 2% Vs. The 98% ๐Ÿ’ฏ

The Lucky are born into great circumstances. They learn stuff from childhood by virtue of who they're raised by.

This is the kid who wants to be an athlete, whose mom or dad was a good athlete. So they have 24/7 access to an in-house trainer who they don't have to pay โ€“ who probably has access to people and places that not everyone has access to.

Or the budding entrepreneur who grows up working in the family business that will one day be his. He learns the work ethic and principles as soon as heโ€™s old enough to walk and talk.

The aspiring politician whose parents have long been in politics. Her last name alone is an access card to the rooms, events and people she needs to know to make career moves.

My son will be in this group. He didn't set it up this way. Just fell into the right situation.

Amongst the rest of usโ€ฆ

The 2% are those who aren't lucky enough to be taught all the ropes from the cradle. But, they stumble upon the habits and knowledge they're missing, recognize them as their missing links, and make the necessary changes.

Then thereโ€™s the 98%. They start from roughly the same place as the 2%. At some point, whether age 18 or age 38, they too get exposed to all the stuff they're missing.
Where they diverge from the 2% is when they ignore the needed changes, and keep executing the same unhelpful habits anyway.

Every one of us is in one of these groups.

The Lucky is a matter of circumstance.

The other two are a choice.

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