Work On Your Game Content/Personal Branding/The Hardest Pivot: Real Change Abandons The Familiar
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The Hardest Pivot: Real Change Abandons The Familiar

When you've spent all of your adult life -- and probably a good part of your pubescent years -- forging an identity as something, one thing everyone knows you as, pivoting to something new can be a very hard thing to do.
Scary, even.

You'll wonder how people will perceive you, since they've always known you as one thing and you've announced that you're no longer that. You wonder if people will even accept the new version of you. You'll question if they'll care about or like you anymore, since the thing you hung your hat on is over with.
But when it's time, dammit, it's time.

There's no easy way to walk away from an identity you spent years building and cultivating and living off of. It's a lonely feeling. The only easy way out is to go running back to the identity you already know you're ready to leave behind.
Best advice: walk boldly into the next chapter of your life, borrowing confidence from that old you. How comfortable you felt as that old you, bring that same energy into what you do next. You’ve successfully created an identity before, now it's time to do it again.

You have no choice but to succeed.

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