Work On Your Game Content/Personal Branding/The Ellipsis Manual by Chase Hughes (@thechasehughes) [Book Review]
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The Ellipsis Manual by Chase Hughes (@thechasehughes) [Book Review]

“You will notice what will probably be a disturbing revelation about human behavior and how we are all wired socially: we are quite perfectly wired to follow, to obey, and to be programmed by our environment. If you're not doing the programming, you are being programmed."

I heard of Chase on a podcast and was intrigued by his talking points on the analysis of human behavior. I've always loved the topic; I went to Chase’s website immediately and have been reading his posts and emails since.

When Chase announced the release of Ellipsis Manual I went and got my copy, despite it only being available in physical format. I started reading it on a flight and had finished half the book by the time I landed.

Ellipsis Manual is all about how humans think, respond, and are programmed - either by themselves or by others - MUCH more than we choose our own actions, words and thoughts.

Chase himself has a background in training interrogators to best extract information from interview subjects. He explains his hypnosis doesn't really exist, how every human is always being programmed by something or someone, and how those who become experts at what he's teaching could use t for literally any desired outcome.

It is stated several times in Ellipsis Manual that what is shared should be used for ethical purposes only, if at all.

The latter third of the book is very technical, going into actual scripts and explanations of each component. This last third of Ellipsis Manual is very textbook-ish, if you're into that. The first half is clear and interesting enough for any layman to learn from.

You Should Read The Ellipsis Manual IF: You're into looking under the hood of human behavior and learning how you can use it for improving yourself and (ethically) directing others.

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