Here it is (For Men): The next time you see a female you’re interested in, immediately approach her and speak.
Don’t look at her, then look again, and look again… all while thinking of what to say if you ever get around to approaching.
Don’t passively stare at her the whole time.
Don’t expect her to approach you.
Approach, and avoid the “don’t”s above, for three reasons.
1) Any attractive female will tell you that these avoidance habits are what most males do. You’ll stand out by avoiding these mistakes.
2) By approaching immediately and speaking to her, you occupy a space in her mind as a confident, sure-of-himself individual. And first impressions stick for a long time.
3) You will feel a lot more confident about yourself every time you go straight to her — or him, or it, or them — and address the situation.
Most people waste a lot of time in deliberation.
What should I say?
How might they respond?
What if this happens? Or that?
What if someone ignores / laughs at / gets angry with me?
I’m not sure that I should?
All of which adds up to… nothing.
After all of your thinking, you’re still in the same place you were in before you thought about it.
But, you say, there’s nothing wrong with taking time to think about things! Doesn't having a plan matter???
Yes. It does. But do you know what happens with most people’s plans?
The unfortunate end result of deliberation for most people is that they do nothing.
All that thinking and hemming and hawing and “planning” and what-iffing… to do absolutely nothing.
The moment when you are most likely to follow through on an idea is the very moment when the idea occurs to you.
Every minute, day and week that passes thereafter diminishes the chances that you follow through that much more.
When the action being considered is one that you’d consider “risky,” the chances that you’ll actually do it diminishes significantly in a very short period of time.
A man sees a woman eyeing him from across the bar. She’s clearly looking at HIM. But, she’s really attractive — out-of-his-league attractive, even — which makes our guy very nervous.
He has about 30 seconds to cash that lottery ticket.
After that, he has successfully talked himself out of action.
The girl is still interested, but our guy has supplied himself so many reasons to not try — in less than one minute! — that the girl might as well have turned into a man.
There goes another opportunity.
Some smart person who was really good at rationalization came up with the saying that, “if it’s available to me today, it’ll still be there tomorrow!”
Life responds to speed and boldness. Not timidity and hesitation.
Try it and see.
When have you seen an opportunity but remained in your seat and missed an opportunity? Why did you fail to take action? Reply and let me know — I read all responses.
By the way, you should check the following MasterClasses on moving yourself to bold action:
#909: Give Yourself Permission To Make A Bold Move
#442: How To Push Yourself To Action
#170: You Need Action, Not Advice
#91: The Power Of Thought & Word Over Actions
#626: How To Stop Asking Permission And Be A Leader
#1216: Your Energy Is More Important Than Your Skill
You can get full access to these and 1,357 more MasterClasses on every topic to advance your mindset, business and life, as a Game Group Member.
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