“Customers have this conveyor belt going around in their brains. And when you fail to take out even one of the bags, customers wait for you to give them all the reasons to buy. If you leave even one bag out of your pitch, your customers tend to avoid making a decision.”
I don’t even remember how or where I heard of Sean D'Souza, but I found myself on his email list (one of only two people, not counting myself, that I subscribe to). Sean has a website called Psychotactics, where he breaks down and explains selling, branding, marketing and everything else e-commerce (and more). I read all his emails and have passed on many sales pitches; The Brain Audit is the first product I’ve purchased from Sean. And it’s been worth it.
The most valuable thing I took from Brain Audit was the Uniqueness factor: Choosing the ONE — ONE — thing that your business represents or does or stands for (or all three) that would be yours and yours alone in the marketplace. I updated my website as I was reading.
I took at least another 20 ideas from the Audit about how I’ll design my sales pages, get testimonials, and help prospects make buying decisions.
You Should Read The Brain Audit If: Your business is selling anything. You're building a brand for any reason. This book is easily worth more than its price.