Work On Your Game Content/Discipline/The Best Articles I've Read Recently [10.21.18]
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The Best Articles I've Read Recently [10.21.18]

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I read a lot of books, and I get article reading done in between. Here are some good ones that you may be interested in...

First, please support the Work On Your Game Podcast on Patreon. The bonuses alone make it worth it.

The head guy at The Athletic explains why they work the way that they and many other written-content platforms will in the very near future: Behind a paywall. The New York Times, Boston Globe, Washington Post and many others already do this; creators like me have turned to Patreon and other methods as ad revenue alone isn’t enough. Freemium has had a great run, but it will soon end.

Quick — describe the differences between Race, Ethnicity and

Nationality. You probably can’t do so. I couldn’t either, then I read this. Now I know.

Speaking of the Globe, their 6-part intensive on former New England Patriots tight end Aaron Hernandez is amazing. I read the entire thing this week. Hernandez was a star player with a $41 million contract who was arrested and charged with two separate murders — he was convicted for one — and hanged himself in his prison cell. But his story goes much deeper than this. If you pick only one thing to read, this is it.

If you’ve ever thought about becoming a sports agent, maybe you’d reconsider after reading this.

Why Black men defended Brett Kavanaugh while Democrats ran the newly appointed Supreme Court justice through the ringer over 30-yearold sexual misconduct allegation. The reasoning makes sense.

Why CNN, who used to be an impartial news network reporting the facts, is no longer that by a long shot — their attempts at smearing Kanye West just the latest example.

My sister Latoya, who’s a UCLA professor and has been on my podcast, has Bipolar II disorder and wrote about it. I wish she would write more as it’s always deeply personal and very honest. I expect a book from Latoya sometime in the future.

Seth Godin on reframing how you look at challenges and setbacks.

Formed 4-time NBA Defensive Player Of The Year Ben Wallace on the mental health challenges of moving on from a pro basketball career into retirement.

Anthony Davis started dominating basketball games after deciding to adopt the mindset of Russell Westbrook.

Me on the potential shadiness of Overseas Basketball when it comes to collecting your money.

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