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Talk To 'Em

Here is a copy-and-pasted post on my man Johan's basketball blog in which he interviewed me:

Interviewing International Superstar Dre Baldwin
Dre Baldwin has not always been a superstar, on his personal website he writes interesting stories about how he used to spend countless of hours on the playground, practicing all parts of his game. As we all can see his hard work has paid off. Dre has played in many of the best leagues in Europe: and yet he is still trying to take his game to the next level - the NBA.
We caught up with the Dre and if he makes it, he promises he won't let his online fans down..

1) Where are you going to play this season?
I am going to play wherever the best overall situation is going to be. I have not signed yet.
2) We have all seen your many NBA workout videos on YouTube. When is your plan to play there and what team would you prefer to play for?
I want to play in the NBA AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! I feel I can step on a practice floor and compete right now at that level. Of course we all know the business does not work that way so in the meantime I'll be working hard and keeping my eyes and ears open.
3) What kicks will you be rocking this season and why?
I grabbed a couple pairs of the Nike Hyperdunks as soon as they dropped back in Summer 2008 and I have played in Hyperdunks every day since. I think I'll be sticking with them for the time being, unless I come across a pair of Nike Shox BB4s (the Vince Carter "Boings") or Nike Flightposites. Both are older, out of production kicks that I had in the early 2000s so I'm not holding my breath. The Hyperdunks are great for me.
4) Will you keep your website then/if you make it to the NBA, will it affect your activity there?
Good question! I've seen a couple professional athletes fall back on their online activity and social networking over the past year or so. A few times it has been after they posted something that drew unwated attention and some just stay away completely out of fear that teams may think the player is not dedicated to their full-time work. Neither of the above is the case with me, however, and let's face it -- most people KNOW me because of / from my online activity, not the other way around. So to answer your question, I will NEVER stop my social networking/ website activity because I have reached a new level in my profession. My Internet fan base/ following is very important to me and I wouldn't isolate myself from those people to appease an employer. I would, however, not be as 'wide-open' as I am now in terms of my choice of words and commenting on certain other NBA players' situations/ actions. Employees are subject to rules.
5) Who is your favorite player besides yourself and what do you especially like about him?
My favorite all-time player would be Mike Jordan because of his competitive spirit, winning attitude and leadership. Not to mention all the highlights! Also Scottie Pippen because of his all-around game and that my playing style has been favorably compared to Scottie. Another forgotten player I've always liked is Steve Francis, I would really want to work out with him sometime.
Stay tuned for more!

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