Work On Your Game Content/business and money/Superstars Don't Have “Off” Days 🙅‍♂️
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Superstars Don't Have “Off” Days 🙅‍♂️

This metaphor is from sports, but applies to every role in life.

Superstars have a “great game” 95% of the time.

Stars, about 75-80% of the time.

Average players have a “good game” – not great, but good – about half the time.

If you want to be a/the Superstar in what you do (this can be in your business, family, office, department, sports team, and even with yourself), you don’t have “off” days.

Every day you have a “great game.”

Every day is a high-level performance.

That’s the standard.

This is NOT aimed at motivating you. Motivation is for eighth graders. I work with professionals. Adults.

This is about the decision to be THAT guy/girl who delivers at THAT level, EVERY DAY.

This decision is not an easy one. There will be many days when you don’t feel like it. When circumstances aren’t working in your favor. When you have enough “great games” in the can that you could afford an “off” day, and no one will notice or say anything.

You won’t. Because of the decision you’ve made to be a Superstar, an “off” day is unacceptable.

This is how the Superstars think.

It’s not easy.

That’s why there are a ton of average players, many good players, and only a handful of Superstars.

The Superstars gather here:

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