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STOP 🛑 Chasing Credentials And Do THIS...

All our lives, we’re taught to respect, honor and chase credentials.




“Certified XXXX.”

Many people accept and follow this advice. They go and attain credentials.

These credentials are good, as long as you stay in the environment where they matter and only deal with others who are climbing the same ladders you've climbed.

For example, a doctor working in a hospital.
A principal working in a high school.
A certified XXXX teaching others who are trying to become certified XXXXs.

The problem: As soon as you step out of that room (literally or metaphorically), your certification isn't worth a hill of beans.

Nobody needs to respect it.

It isn't worth money.

It only matters when you hang around people who choose to care about it.

I knew a woman who was a personal trainer. She had no certifications, but she had clients and wanted more. I gave her some tips on marketing herself to get more clients.

She pushed back.

“But Dre, I don't have a trainer certification, didn't go to college, haven't taken any classes on being a trainer… what if someone asks me about these and I have nothing?”

“Have any of your current clients ever asked you if you're certified?”


She never did any of the marketing I suggested. Last I checked, she’s still a broke personal trainer.

Aside from the few areas of life where specific training and certification is required – doctors, pilots, finance, the guy who installed the car seat for my son – certifications are generally a money-grabbing SCAM.

They're ladders set against a wall designed by the person who’s collecting your money.

They've sold you on YOUR need to climb THEIR ladder to make yourself worthy of some title that THEY made up… all while you pay for the privilege.

A beautiful hustle. A scammy hustle, but a beautiful one nonetheless.

The point: Your customers and clients don't give a damn about your certifications.

They don't care where you went to college.

Don't care what course you've taken or what events you’ve attended and taken notes at.

I’ve written 33 books. Who certified me as an author? I've sold thousands of books; no reader ever asks this before they order.

I've done 4 TEDxTalks. Never took a Carnegie speaking course. No one who’s ever booked me for a keynote asked about this before initiating a wire transfer to pay me.

My coaching has a 5-figure price tag. No one “taught” me how to coach or approved me to be one. No client has ever asked where I got my training.

Want to be an expert? You must crown YOURSELF.

Then go into the marketplace and PROVE it.

In business, your proof is receipts. Literal receipts. Someone giving you money.

That’s it.

Don't be a bum with an armful of credentials.

And damn sure don't look up to them.

By the way, our program at Work On Your Game University will help you produce valuable receipts instead of worthless certificates.

Schedule a call with us here and let’s get to it:

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