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Smarter, Faster, Better by Charles Duhigg (@cduhigg)

“The trick, researchers say, is realizing that a prerequisite to motivation is believing we have authority over our actions and surroundings. To motivate ourselves, we must feel like we are in control.”

Duhigg gets his points across in this book with stories, which, science says helps people remember things more, but I’m not sure how true that is for me. One thing's for sure: the stories kept me turning the pages of the book, even though they didn’t help my retention of the material.

My favorite takeaways:
People are motivated when we have choices.
Team work best when everyone feels psychologically safe — to be wrong and make mistakes, offer crazy ideas, to challenge someone else’s ideas.
Quick decision making can be just as much a weakness as it is a strength.
Experts create mental models in their minds of what they expect to happen, and will know innately when something is off.
Contrary to popular opinion, computer intelligence, though it has replaced humans in many areas, is not infallible.
Top performers are careful about how they invest their time.
Stretch goals can be achieved - by breaking down and rethinking every aspect of the elements involved.
The best teams are not the teams where everyone is, or even wants to be, a star. Commitment is more important than star power.
Solid decision making requires being comfortable with doubt.
Emotional necessity facilities some of the best creativity.

You Should Read Smarter, Faster, Better IF: You want to be any of what the title promises. And you’re smart enough to know the takeaways listed above is not sufficient to replace actually reading the book.

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