Work On Your Game Content/Personal Branding/Simple, Ain't It?: There Are No Secrets To Success and Achievement
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Simple, Ain't It?: There Are No Secrets To Success and Achievement

I couldn't think of a good topic for this post, but I committed myself to writing something -- anything -- every single day in 2014. So even though tho spots has no topic, I'm writing it and posting it and sharing it with the world.

You may think it would've been better to write nothing, come back another day when I had some subject matter. But the truth is, posts like this one and the principle behind it are the only reasons you are reading this right now.

I got good at basketball by just showing up everyday. By myself, on those concrete courts and practicing until so thing clicked. No YouTube to follow. No trainer. No good players to email for guidance. Just keep doing the shit until I got it right. And along the way some people took notice.

Writing, as I've heard and read from writers whose work I respect, works the same way: wrote something every day, even when you don't have anything. Good to write. Especially when you don't have anything good to write. That's the only way to get better. There's no skills training program or YouTube playlist for learning writing. You just do it.

What you can take from this, even of you don't dribble a ball or write anything, is the principle of just showing up applies across all areas of work. If you just show up and work every single day, you'll improve. Others, who may be a lot better than you, will slowly die off. Just don't spot. Before you know it, you stand alone. All you did was show up.

Simple, ain't it?

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