I've never been the blending in type.
Ever since I was very young, there was always an innate sense in me that made me want to display a clear difference between me and anyone else - even if we were doing the same thing.
We might be in the same family. Or play on the same sports team. Or be in the same industry of business. But I will make sure any observer can see the space between me and whomever else.
Having this mindset for so long, I'm completely comfortable walking alone. Doing what others won't do, saying what they won't say, going where they won't go.
But you may struggle with this.
Not because you don't want to be great or are just OK with the status quo. It's a deeper, hard-wired human need for sociability and connection: we want people around us who are like us.
We want to have things in common with other people. When we find that we do have things in common with others, our unconscious minds work to keep it that way. This is the root of why many high-potential people never get close to that potential.
This is the part where I could give you 3-5 tips about what to do and how to solve this. But there is only one point.
Decide which is more important for you: Relating to your current social groups, or reaching your destiny. [shareable cite="@DreAllDay"]Decide which is more important for you: Relating to your current social groups, or reaching your destiny.
This sounds like an easy choice. And logically it is. But thousands of years of human evolution doesn't quit so easily. You'll have to remind yourself of your choice frequently.
Just remember: You can't stand out and blend in at the same time. [shareable cite="@DreAllDay"]You can't stand out and blend in at the same time.