Work On Your Game Content/Personal Branding/Self-Commercialism: Your Chance To Sell Yourself
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Self-Commercialism: Your Chance To Sell Yourself

Remember commercials? They existed to interrupt us while watching our favorite shows and sporting events, promoting and selling us stuff that companies were spending lots of money promoting.
These days, with TiVo and the internet, we rarely even see commercials. They've moved to the web, and we even skip them there when we can.
But commercials are very important. Especially when it's your commercial being run.

You may be puzzled right now. I'll explain. Your commercial is a quick explanation of yourself -- who you are, what you do and why anyone should give a damn -- that you should be able to share verbally and in writing without having to think too hard about it. This establishes you as someone worth talking to and/or about. If you've done anything noteworthy in life or if you're the only one who has done or said things (even better) -- you have the foundation of your commercial. Think about all of your favorite famous people, they all have an easily digestible commercial.

What? You don't have a commercial? Then you better damn get one. And fast.

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