Work On Your Game Content/Business and Entrepreneurship/Real Artists Don’t Starve by Jeff Goins
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Real Artists Don’t Starve by Jeff Goins

“When we look at history’s most famous artists, we see something curious. It’s the same thing we observe in the lives of creatives making a living today. When we hear the cautionary tales and warnings about what it means to be an artist, there’s an important truth we must embrace:
You don’t have to starve.”

I heard Jeff on the James Altucher show and liked the points he made discussing his book. The expertly-great title of his book is what really sold me on it; I bought and read Real Artists in 3 days.

The book draws a clear line between the cliched “starving artist” and the newly introduced “thriving artist,” and Jeff tackles many of the long held limiting beliefs that creatives (artists, musicians, writers, some entrepreneurs) have used as excuses for not making money from their work.

Being a creative/artist myself for a long time, much of this book covered stuff that I know and/or have believed for awhile. Some of it was a great reminder of what to keep in mind. And some points were new to me. But most people don’t have my experience in selling, pitching, creating, cultivating an audience etc. And because of this, EVERY budding entrepreneur/creator/artist MUST read this book.

Real Artists Don’t Starve is an easy read, heavy on examples of artists both present (Dr. Dre, Beyoncé) and past (Michelangelo, Shakespeare) that will serve as a handbook for any creator to follow in building your life and business — because art IS a business.

You Should Read Real Artists Don’t Starve IF: Read the above two paragraphs. I’ve just sold you on it. Guy buy it now.

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