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Private Perception Issues

You might not have enough money right now.
Maybe you don't know the right people.
Perhaps you just don't know enough to execute your plan properly.
Maybe you applied and weren't contacted back by the powers-that-be.
All really good reasons.
The reason I find causing the most not-yets in people's lives though, is none of these.
It's people's perception of themselves

Get a healthier image of yourself - hell, get a completely ridiculous image of yourself - and the list of what you can do grows. Just from that.
Stop killing so many of your ideas in your mind, and more of your ideas come to fruition. Just from that.
Stop replaying the bad movies in your mind, and all of a sudden you have more time and money to make some better movies. Just from that.


And I'm 1,000% sure I've written about this before. And I'm publishing this one anyway. Because you read this the last time and you made wholesale changes and you're not holding yourself back in any way any more.  And you never will have that problem ever again.
But some people out there didn't even know who DreAllDay was when that last one published. So I have to say it again. So you, who has already whipped your self-image issues, have been assigned to share this post with someone who hasn't seen it yet.


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