Work On Your Game Content/Discipline/One Simple Way To Change Your Life
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One Simple Way To Change Your Life

Here it is: Change one thing you do daily.
People sometimes think it's some huge event or action that creates change. And it does -- for a time period. Any lasting change in your life will be -- must be -- a result of something that changes in your daily routine of thoughts, words and actions.
Start with consciously thinking about it. Doing so for about 21 days will make it a habit.
But habits -- good and bad -- can be extinguished. You need something with lasting power. So extend that habit out to 90 days. 90 days creates a lifestyle.
What's the difference between a habit and a lifestyle?
A habit is an activity that is repeated without thinking.
A lifestyle is a way of being. Just a normal part of your existence.
A habit can be taught, learned, forgotten, picked up, extinguished. A lifestyle is ingrained into your bones like your skin color and your genetic code. You cannot extinguish a lifestyle.
All starts with one daily change.

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