Work On Your Game Content/Personal Branding/Not Your Best Work? Put It Out Anyway
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Not Your Best Work? Put It Out Anyway

I've published over 3,000 videos to YouTube over the past 7 years. Some of them I thought were great and the audience response concurred. Some bombed. Some I didn't really like but the fans did. But I always put out anything I feel is quality, which, since my skill level has reached proficiency and is what my brand is built on, is most of what I record.

If I only put out what I think is great or fits my definition of impressive, I'd be yet to break 1,000 videos.

You will not be doing backflips over every post you write or every video you record. If you are good at what you do, and you produced it, put it out anyway. When you're really good at something, even your not-so-great productions are useful for the interested consumer. Frame each piece of your work properly and you'll be surprised how quickly your own perception of it changes. But as a brand, your focus is outward -- the people watching you, reading you, listening to you, learning from you. Is there anything to be learned from this? Something useful or informative? Then share it. Once you start building your brand, self-consciousness goes out the window. You're on stage now.

You will write bad blog posts. You'll make terrible videos. You'll say things the wrong way. You won't like your facial expression. Your concluding paragraph will suck. You'll say "uh" and "um" too much. Put it out anyway. It'll help you get over the fear of messing up. You'll realize later that that subpar work is well-received by someone who needed it.

Remember, you're the authority now. You run the show and are confident in your ability to do so. When a performer flubs a line or slips and falls on stage they make it seem like it was supposed to happen like that. There is no failure, just you sharing what you want to share and learning yourself along the way.

Act like it.

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