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My First Time In Las Vegas 🎰🏜️

I’m in Las Vegas for the… 20th(?) time this week.

It made me think about my first time here.

2002. I’d been dragged to the big national convention for a network marketing company.

Network marketing taught me a lot about business that my business degree failed to teach. I’m thankful for the experience.

Here’s something about business I thought about on this latest Vegas trip.

Someone thought of building a sprawling city in the middle of the damn desert. A city that would become a destination location for gamblers, shows, events, weddings, conferences, and all forms of entertainment.

It worked.

Las Vegas is literally something made out of nothing.

You, with your business, are trying to make something out of nothing.

You have an idea that you want to make into a destination for your ideal clients.

PROBLEM: You’re doing it all by yourself.

And that’s why you’re stumbling.

Las Vegas was a collaborative effort.

Multiple people working together to make it what it is.

No city is built by one person.

No great business is just one person.

By yourself, you’re limited to just your resources (knowledge, time, insight, experience).

Look at your business. That’s how far YOUR resources can take you.

Is where you are far enough? Or do you want more?

If “more,” let’s talk:

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