Work On Your Game Content/Discipline/It Ain't Supposed To Be Easy!
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It Ain't Supposed To Be Easy!

Maybe you started off with a hot streak.

Everything you tried, worked. Your first few sales calls closed. Every person you asked to join your movement said yes. You started playing a sport and found yourself to be better than some people who had been playing for years. And you felt like you had the golden touch. This is easier than I thought, you say to yourself.

Then it isn't.

All of a sudden, you can't close a sale call to save your life. No one is interested in your proposition or vision. The sport you started off so well in isn't quite so easy now that the newness factor has worn off and you face some better competition. Nothing is working. Literally, nothing. The fact that it was so easy at the beginning makes this potion even harder to deal with.

What do you do?

Complain about it to someone? Search for answers to what you're doing wrong? Throw your hands up and quit? What do you do?

It isn't supposed to be easy. Nothing worth achieving will be, and inherently we all know this. The challenge is, when we see successful people we only look at their highlight reels. The positive outcomes, the career-defining accomplishments, the accolades and awards and recognition. What got them there -- the long, hard days that made the shiny stuff possible -- is what we really need to see.

The days in which that successful person questioned whether she made the right decision. The nights of asking what he lacked compared to the people who seemed to be winning the race of his industry. When he wondered if he'd ever win another game. When she asked if she could ever close a sale again.

Every successful person you know of has faced it. And if you get a conversation with one of them, they'll tell you. If it was easy... you know the rest.

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