Work On Your Game Content/business and money/Instagram (& TikTok) Owns You
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Instagram (& TikTok) Owns You

Microsoft bought Skype for $8,560,000,000 in CASH.

That’s eight BILLION. Not million.

At the time of purchase, Skype had lost $7 million the year before, and had a total of $686 million in debt.

Why would Microsoft do this deal?

It’s not because Microsoft couldn’t replicate an online calling / messaging system like Skype. Microsoft employs engineers who can do that in their sleep.

It wasn't done as a wink-wink favor between executives at the respective companies.

Here's why it happened: Microsoft wanted access to Skype's list.

What's a list?

In business terms, a “list” is the compilation of all the people who have given you permission to access them directly to hear and learn more about your business and its offerings.

To be on someone's “list,” you give them your phone number, email address or mailing address.

For a company like Skype, the list is valuable - because everyone on the list has shown interest in something that Skype has to offer. Everyone on the list is either a customer or a prospective customer.

Microsoft wanted that.
They paid $8.56 billion for it.


What does all of this have to do with you?

Well, how do you access your customers and clients – or those who might one day become one?

1) You can have direct access to them (meaning, you have their email, physical address or phone number)


2) You communicate with them via social media

If it’s social media, you have a problem: The apps can shut off your access to your audience any time they wish.

Your account can be suspended, deleted, or hacked.
The algorithm can stop showing your posts to so many people.
And you can’t do a damn thing about it.

They OWN you.

“Your” audience is NOT yours. It’s THEIRS.

What can you do about this?

Do the same thing Skype, WhatsApp (bought by Facebook for $16 billion), and SnapChat (offered $3 billion by Facebook; they declined) did: Build a list.

You need direct access to your audience that does not require social media as a middleman.

In other words, if all the social media apps disappeared tomorrow, how would you reach your audience?

Do you have all of their email addresses?
Phone numbers?
Physical mailing addresses?

If you don't have an answer, you don't have a business.

If you need to log onto a social media app to access your audience, you don't have an audience. What you have is a business emergency.

I created the Business Builder framework to help you get this resolved. It’s one of the first things you’ll access as a member of Work On Your Game University.

Get started here:

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