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Though I’m a basketball fan, I don’t watch many NBA regular season games. I go to bed early, and games are at night. I watch only on Christmas Day, the All-Star game (which is close to unwatchable the last few years), and the Playoffs (which are always good). Between November and April during the regular season, I keep track of happenings via Twitter (my news feed), the occasional 2-minute game recap video, and glancing at box scores.

As some college friends of mine have roped me into playing fantasy basketball, I tend to notice the over-time performance of many players. One thing I’ve noticed in doing so is how utterly inconsistent most players are.

Many players, especially those who have obvious potential and loads of talent, just aren't able to put together even three solid performances in a row. Of those who can, many can’t go further than a few weeks of good play before falling off the wagon.

The players who most consistently perform at a predictably high level: the All-Stars.

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