Work On Your Game Content/Daily Game/I’ve Collaborated With My Smartphone To Erode My Skill [Daily Game]
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I’ve Collaborated With My Smartphone To Erode My Skill [Daily Game]

I was in the barbershop one day about 3 years ago (back before I started shaving and still went to the barbershop) and some dude sitting next to me in the waiting area struck up conversation. He had apparently been looking over my shoulder while I wrote a blog post, and said he had never seen anyone type as fast as I had been typing. Turns out that what he really wanted was to recruit me to sell coffee, but still, I took it as a compliment.

I write a lot, and I do almost all of my writing from my smartphone these days. I edit and proofread on a laptop, sometimes. I was writing on my MacBook yesterday though, and came to an alarming realization: I can't spell anymore.

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