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How To Effortlessly Raise Your Standards So You Can Avoid Playing Small-Time...

The next time you go to an NBA game, look up into the rafters. Note the banners hanging from the ceiling. 
Some teams put up banners for winning their division (no one cares about the divisions in the NBA, btw). Some note making the Playoffs or winning the Conference. 
Other teams — the Los Angeles Lakers and Boston Celtics come to mind — raise banners for only one reason. 
Winning Championships. 
They don’t mess around with division titles or even making it to the Finals. 
Win the title, or no banner.
Boston and LA can afford to have such a stance, I suppose, since they’re used to actually winning titles. Some teams’ rafters would be empty if they used this standard. 

The Lakers have 16 championships. The Celtics, 17. 


I work out. 
I’m in the gym (when it’s not locked down, that is) at least 6 days per week. Many weeks, all 7 days. 
I don’t post photos of myself in the gym every time, though. Hardly at all, actually. 
Not because I don’t look good when I’m doing my thing. It's because I do it every day. It’s a normal practice to me, not some random occurrence that calls for celebration. 
It might be impressive to the person who isn’t familiar with the lifestyle. But it’s routine to me. Nothing to make noise about. 


Next time you see someone making a big deal about what they’re doing, ask yourself: are there people out there who do this same thing all the time, yet never announce when they’re doing it? 
The answer will be, “yes, of course.” 
Why? It’s levels to this shit. 
The people who do it all the time don’t announce the event every time — to them, it’s not even an “event.” It’s everyday life. 
The people broadcasting their news are often doing so for exactly that reason: it’s news for them to be where they are, doing what they’re doing.
Not that there’s anything wrong with this. To each, their own. But it is a subtle way that people reveal themselves and their standards if you pay attention. 
When it’s normal to you — or, you expect it to become normal — act like it. 
There will be plenty of future chances to take photos — or not, since you won’t need photos as proof that it happened: you’ll be doing it again tomorrow anyway. 
Get The Mental Workbook so you can turn your best actions into normal, everyday happenings — which will mean that what most people celebrate is basic to you. 

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#788: You Are What You Repeatedly Accept
#787: Handle It And Keep Moving
#778: How To Treat Your Life Like A Business
#777: How Your Time Perspective Determines Your Success

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