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How Failure Made Me Mentally Unbreakable...

Here’s the story I promised I would tell about Bulletproof Mindset 2.0…

I got kicked out of my college’s basketball program in the middle of my junior season.

For my last year and a half of college, I was completely healthy, with perfectly fine grades… But was not on the basketball team.

I went to the games and watched my now-ex-teammates play. This was at an NCAA division 3 college -– a place which, if you know sports, you know that division 3 schools are not professional-athlete-producing factories.

The players who actually PLAY on teams at these schools don't dream about becoming professional athletes. So what do you think a guy who – like me – was sitting in the bleachers can expect for his pro “career”?

It looked like it was pretty much over for me. Smart money would have bet on me never playing in a significant game again in my life.

If you're familiar with my story and my work, you know that my background is as a professional athlete, so I won't bury the kicker: I did end up making it pro. But, there was a two-and-a-half year gap between my last college game and my first professional game. THAT’S where the Bulletproof Mindset was developed, and this is the important part.

Let me explain why.

During that time that I wasn't on the team, watching my ex teammates play and having classmates ask me why I wasn't on the team anymore and what I planned to do with my life now that basketball was seemingly over, I had a few options for what I could be telling myself.

I could have told myself that the coach was a dummy who was just hating on me.

I could claim that circumstances were working against me.

I could become a mental victim and go into woe-is-me mode.

I could have decided that the odds were stacked against me in life, and making it as a basketball player simply wasn't meant to be.

👆 This is what most people do when things don't work in their favor. They whine, complain, bitch, make excuses, and mentally they quit. From there, it IS over – for them.

Here's what I did that was different.

I looked myself in the mirror and said, “Dre, you may think you are the best player walking around this campus. you may even think you are good enough to play professional ball at some point. But, any logical, rational person could look at your circumstance and point out the obvious fact: Right now, you are not on anyone's roster.

“As good as you may think you are, you have proven nothing. Your opinion about your game, about your old coach, or your ex-teammates does not put points on the scoreboard, nor does it cash checks to pay bills. Life does not owe you compassion or understanding. Either prove it, or shut up.”

That conversation provided the fuel in my tank that kept me going for that two-and-a-half year period between my last college game and my first professional game. That conversation kept me focused through a full senior year of not playing, a year of working at Foot Locker and Bally Total Fitness, and had me ready to drive from Philadelphia to Orlando for the two-day exposure camp opportunity in 2005 where my pro career essentially started.

And it is why the Bulletproof Mindset exists today.

Bulletproof Mindset 2.0 is about being clear with yourself about who you are, where you are, where you want to be, and what internal adjustments need to happen for you to get there.

Bulletproof Mindset 2.0 is not about how the world or other people need to change or adjust to how you feel. It's about how you will change and adjust to achieve your outcomes despite the rest of the world not cooperating with your plans.

When you have a Bulletproof Mindset, other people's opinions matter – but yours matters 10X more. This is why people with a Bulletproof Mindset get what they want, while everyone else gets what’s handed to them.

Which do you want to be?

Get access to Bulletproof Mindset 2.0 in Work On Your Game University now:

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