Work On Your Game Content/Business and Entrepreneurship/How Every Entrepreneur Can Manage Risk Artfully
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How Every Entrepreneur Can Manage Risk Artfully

Entrepreneur: a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so.

Risk: a situation involving exposure to danger.

Being an entrepreneur is risky. But we all perceive danger differently. 

For some people, financial risk means spending a dollar without a guarantee on how you’ll get that dollar back; as if the world will run out of dollars. 

For others, it’s risky to invest in themselves or in their business: to put money in, in exchange for anything — knowledge, experience, a process — other than money. 

Advertising that may not convert. 

Hiring coaches who might not help move you forward. 

Reading books that could end up a waste of time. 

Taking courses that may suck at teaching you anything new. 

Going to events that aren’t worth it. 

Creating content and products that may not sell. 

There’s no secret formula to guarantee that none of this happens to you. Shit, if you’re in the game for long enough, playing all-out, all of the above WILL happen to you. 

But they’re not actual risks. There’s no actual danger in spending money and not generating ROI from it. 

When your entrepreneurial ventures fail, you’ve paid for experience.

Your bad coach hire or attendance at a trash event was an investment in activity knowledge — knowledge gleaned from a real-life experience. 

Activity knowledge is the only knowledge that matters. Would you want to learn from a person who’s teaching something they haven’t actually been through? 

If you’re an entrepreneur (or want to be), understand that risk is part of the game you’re stepping into. 

If you’re already in the game, but feel your game isn’t advancing as far or as fast as you’d like, consider this: you’re probably playing the game too safely.

You’re not taking any risks. You’re not jumping into the deep end of the pool sans life jacket; you’re waiting to know exactly how you’ll jump out of the pool just in case you can’t swim. 

Good news: keep seeking, and you’ll find the information that guarantees your safety. 

Bad news: it might take you years to ensure your full safety. In that time, the game is moving on without you. 

If you’re not comfortable dancing with risk, you’re in the wrong game. 

Take the following MasterClasses on risk and entrepreneurship to keep your mind sharp around risk — 

#836: How To Mentally Minimize Risk

#389: Risk Taking- You Can't Dunk Without Jumping!

#1342: When In Doubt, Take The Risk! 

#1226: Why And How I Became An Entrepreneur

#1214: New Freelancers & Entrepreneurs: Key Career Principles To Know

#1209: Soon, EVERYONE Will Be An Entrepreneur

#1111: Knowledge Entrepreneurs: Remove Yourself From The Equation

#1100: Delegation 101 for Entrepreneurs

#1099: Entrepreneurs: Stop Doing All The Work Yourself!

You can get full access to these and 1,392+ more MasterClasses on every topic to advance your Mindset, Business and Life, as a Game Group Member.   

I’ve created a FREE 14-day trial for you to experience the Game Group for yourself.   

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