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How A “Death Plan” Saved My Business 💀

Years ago, I created a document my family could use in case of my untimely death.

In it, I outlined how my surviving family could continue generating money from my business assets.

How to monetize my free stuff.

How to keep selling my paid stuff.

How to run ads to bring in new customers.

How to repurpose and make new stuff from what I’ve already created (since I won’t be around to make new material).

Basically, it was an entire business plan for how anyone, given access to all my materials, could run my business without my involvement — only using what already exists.

I was recently tightening up the plan (I add new things to it when I get new information and ideas) and I realized something.

This is exactly what I need to be doing RIGHT NOW.

I’d inadvertently created a game plan for everything my business needs to be today, while I’m still alive and running it.


It’s often easier to diagnose what someone else (even when that “someone else” is Future You) needs to do than it is for us to self-direct the person in the mirror.

Two reasons why you’ve been telling yourself for years that you “just need to XXXX,” but aren’t doing it.

1) You don’t trust or respect your own advice. With good reason…

2) Your assessment of what you need to do is inaccurate. Even if you did XXXX, it wouldn’t produce the outcomes you want, because you don’t know what you don’t know.

You’re unconsciously incompetent.

Good news: Incompetence can be fixed.

A lack of desire to fix incompetence, on the other hand, cannot be fixed.

So it comes down to one question.

Do you want to fix your incompetence or not?

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