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Have You Given Up On Creating Impact?

If you’ve ever been to a house of worship (church, synagogue, mosque, Kingdom Hall) more than once, it’s not because you’re still curious as to what the topic will be.
You don’t show up every week because you’re seeking something new. 
It’s the opposite: You keep showing up because you know exactly what the speaker is gonna say. You the deacon has a story about the Bible. You want more of it. 
You’ve heard the phrase “preaching to the choir.” It’s often used derisively towards a person who’s sharing ideas with people who already agree with the speaker. 
We know that already. You’re preaching to the choir! 
Contrary to popular belief, preaching to the choir is not a waste of time and oxygen. It’s actually one of the smartest things you can (and should) be doing.  
Picture a church pastor who has prepared a sermon about Jesus. Who should he choose for his audience? 
The guys hanging on the corner around the block from the church smoking weed… 
The choir members who dutifully show up every week — multiple times per week, if you count choir rehearsals — to hear the pastor speak? 
The choir is the ready audience. They want you to preach to them specifically because they know what’s coming. And they want more of it. 
People don’t sign up for surprises. They sign up when they’re sure about what they stand to get.
If you subscribe to any person’s material and hear them speak enough times, you will hear stories more than once. Points and concepts will be repeated. You will find yourself retelling some of the narratives they've shared.
You stick around because you want to hear it again. You want to be reminded. You, like everyone else, have a hard head and need to hear things more than once before you take action and do something with them.
If you’ve listened to my audio MasterClass enough, you know the five forms of investment. 
You know the four Work On Your Game principles. 
You know how I ended up off the basketball team in college. 
And you’ll hear about all of those again. I promise. 
There are people who’ve been reading my emails for years and just bought Work On Your Game [The Book] last week. 


If you have an audience, you worry about boring them with the same stories, emphasis points and processes over and over again. I’m here to tell you that those same “boring” elements are, on the contrary, exactly what makes people come back. 
There’s a reason why we learn a lot about people in times of crisis, and a reason why DISC profile tests give you both your natural and “adaptive” scores: when things get crazy, we default to our defaults. 
The crazier and more unpredictable things get for someone, the more they seek stability and consistency. When things are crazy in your life, who do you seek out — that unpredictable friend who’s always doing something new? Or the steady individual who you know you can count on, maybe even know what they’re gonna say? 
We like what we can depend on, predict, and expect. Predictability is a safe haven from the world’s ever-changing craziness. 
So, preach to the choir. Give your ready audience exactly what they expect from you, because that’s what they expect from you. Yes, evolve and update your sermon, but do so slowly enough that people feel like they’re at the same church they joined in the first place. 
Preach to the choir consistently, and they’ll sing for you beautifully. 
Speaking of Work On Your Game, you don’t have the book yet — but we can fix that. The book shares How To Use The Pro Athlete Mindset To Dominate Your Game In Business, Sports, and Life, it’s a hardcover, and you can get your copy right now here: 

Be sure to check the following MasterClasses on this topic — 
#1507: Preach To The Choir, Dummy!
#1016: Tools You Need To "Put Yourself Out There"
#1015: Should You Start Creating Even Without An Audience?
#1014: What We Want From Our Bosses, Coaches And Leaders
#923: How To Build An Audience

How would you like to access not only these, but 1,507+ ADDITIONAL MasterClasses on every possible topic to advance your Mindset, Business and Life— without having to go searching for the best stuff on your own?   
With the Game Group Membership, you’ll have unlimited access to the best daily teaching — which means it will be nearly impossible for your game to ever fall off like it did in the past.   
When you become a Game Group Member, you get immediate access to ALL of the best material that Dre Baldwin has ever created, all organized and structured for you— PLUS six exclusive bonus courses.

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