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God Is Not Responsible For Your Mediocrity

Every day I talk to people who are on some path towards success (or want to be).

Some are sprinting; some are jogging. Some are walking; some are standing still.

About once per week, I ask someone who’s stuck (the walkers and stand-still folks) what their “plan” is to get moving.

“God will make a way for me.”

This is a common refrain I hear from people who are without a plan nor strategy for achievement.

So they default to what sounds good and (seemingly) can’t be challenged: God.

I mean, how much of an ass do you have to be to question GOD???

I’m not questioning God.

I’m questioning YOU, and your use of God as a crutch.


Talk to 10 homeless people in your city. Ask them if they believe in God.

I’d bet 70% of them say yes.

So why are they homeless and you’re not? Are they lying about their belief in God?

Find someone who’s making 10x more money than you or is 10x further ahead than you. Do they believe in God 10x more than you?

Here’s the inconvenient truth: After age 18, choices and actions make ALL the difference between us.

THIS is what separates one person’s outcomes from the next.

God does not control your choices and actions.

YOU do.

God granted you life and free will to do as you wish.

You can be happy and healthy.
You can be a criminal.
You can be loving and positive.
You can be negative and nasty.
You can do everything.
You can do nothing.

Your choice.

You are where you are right now because of your choices and subsequent actions. Where you end up tomorrow and next year will be because of YOU — not God.

I know a lot of highly successful people, those in the top 10% of income earners in America (that’s $140,000+ per year).

None of them has ever told me that God created their business plans, crafted their sales funnels, or closed any of their deals.

God did not raise their kids, file their taxes, or do their pushups.

If things are not working for you right now, it’s not because God decided that you should be frustrated and stagnant. It’s because you don’t know what you’re doing, or you’re simply not doing what you know.

Or, a combination of both.
OR, you’re making the excuse that you know exactly what to do, when your results show that you clearly don’t know what to do.

And then you get annoyed with me for pointing it out.

God granted you free will, and this — your current life — is what you’ve done with it.

Own it.

Let’s say I grab a gun and go to the nearest Walgreens. I rob the store. Police get called.

(Well, not these days — Lululemon just fired two employees for calling police on thieves who they had on camera stealing. So just play along and pretend.)

I get into a shootout with the cops outside the store, and they kill me dead.

Is it because God decided that I should die that day? Or is it because of the actions that I decided to take?

Free will and choice of actions. We all have both.

If you’re not doing shit right now in your life, it ain’t because of God. It’s because of YOU.

Sure — we all have different amounts of clay to work with, so to speak.

The physically gifted populate the sports world.
The technologically inclined dominate the tech space.
Those with the gift of gab are podcasters, authors and comedians.

Once you’re clear on what tools God gave you, it’s your job to “play the game” and get in where you fit in.

If you’re 5’5” and hate running, it’s not on God to get you into the NBA. You’d be foolish to wait for him to make that happen.

Your success or failure is not “God’s Plan.” God’s plan is to watch you do what you choose to do with the free will he gave you by granting you life. [Covered in episode #2524 of Work On Your Game Podcast: Your Success Is Not "God's Plan" -]

Reminder: The game has already started.

You’ve been playing for _____ (your age) years.

Wake up.


But Dre, look at all the successful people who give credit and glory to God!

Sure. And look at all the failures and mediocre people who would credit God if they were doing better.

You’re only seeing half of the picture, the half that validates your mediocrity.

Have you ever seen a homeless person giving credit to God for their homelessness?

Some successful people give credit to God because they truly believe it. Others do it as a show of false humility.

See, if Taylor Swift gives credit to God when she wins an award, you can say, “Great! So humble of Taylor! God will help me become successful too!”

If Taylor gives credit to herself, you could call her cockly for crediting herself for actually working. Or, you’d have to say, “well damn — what am I not doing?”

That’s an uncomfortable conversation.

Successful people, when asked about their success, often say what sounds good and what makes everyone feel good.

That allows you to think, if God did it for them, he can do it for me… and you can keep sitting there, doing nothing, and watching your life float by.

And if anyone — someone like me — questions what you’re doing, you can put all the responsibility on God to figure it out and make it happen.

This is why you’re losing.


Dre, I respectfully disagree.

God blessed you to do what you’ve done. He paved the way for your success!

Here’s what I did on that “paved” road:

Drove the car.
Gassed it up.
Fixed the breaks.
Changed the oil.
Replaced the tires.
Weaved in and out of traffic.
Found a map and followed it.
Got to my destinations on time.

You’re still sitting in the garage.

Power and Responsibility are a package deal. Can’t have one without the other.

God doesn’t care if you launch your podcast.
Or how many people register for your course.
About how many tickets your event sells.
If that job you want calls you back.

But YOU care.

Take ownership.

Are you ready to stop bullshitting?

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